Friday, November 28, 2014

Nature of Self Authored Perspective

Nature of Self Authored Perspective

A few month ago, I realized that I have written all types of essays in high school and college but I was never really asked to write thoughtfully about myself, my own past experiences, and visions for the future. After reflecting on this, I thought it strange as there is nothing more important to get straight than your own personal experiences. This is the first key to understanding the importance of self authorship

Living a self authored life means building your own internal foundation and set of commitments.  It means reflecting and analyzing experience in order to establish your own conception of what truth means.  It means thinking for yourself and being the designer of your own life, rather than following the scripts written by others. Living a self authored life can erase the fog from your vision, make you healthier and stronger, and  increase the chances you will exist in a manner that justifies all the troubles life inevitably presents. It allows you to carve in a new and better you. There is no sense in going around miserably when you can aim for a life you should have and get it. 

Many people do not understand who they are, where they are, or where they are going. In consequence, instead of attempting those actions that would make their life valuable as possible they feel like things just happen to them.Self authoring can improve resilience and perseverance which is not only critical to academic enrichment but allows for determining if people can lead happy and successful lives.
End of Post question?
Do you feel you think for yourself and are the designer of your own life, rather than following the scripts written by others? 
This is a question I hope to unfold on other posts respective to New Century College's integrative education, experiential learning and competencies, and clarify future directions for broadened horizons and learning.

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