Sunday, November 30, 2014

New Century College Competencies

A Competency-Based Education: Global Perspective, Critical Thinking, Aesthetic Response 

"New Century College believes that a successful undergraduate education requires more than an ability to master complex bodies of knowledge.
Throughout my years as an undergraduate, I will pursue excellence in eight competencies, each one essential to the transfer of knowledge from classroom practice to real-life problems. Learning communities and courses in New Century College incorporate several competencies imaginatively into the curriculum. I will learn to demonstrate my growing mastery of the competencies through assignments, projects, reflection, self-assessment and the creation of portfolios."

How I Have Applied Them To My Life...

Communication is the process of creating and sharing meaning through human interaction. 
Since starting my college education at George Mason through New Century College I have had to learn how to communicate. I thought I knew how to speak, read, write, and listen effectively. This means giving attention to your audience, the purpose and the context. What I found out about myself is that I knew how to do none of these thing...EFFECTIVELY.
Communication is essential in Mediation if everything in the model above
wants to be accomplished.

One class that has really made me an effective communicator is my Mediation class. When I first signed up for this class I thought it was going to be a class that was going to teach me about helping people find solutions for their problems. As I started to delve more into my class and started to understand what was needed of me as a mediator the one key factor that stood out was COMMUNICATION. As a mediator, if I am not able to effectively communicate how to guide those in mediation I will not lead them to finding a solution. As a mediator I am not allowed to tell them solution but help guide them so they themselves find the solution that would help them. If I do not communicate effectively they will not trust me and this is key in between the mediator and parties. Communication is key is mediation from the beginning when I need to read them the 4 legals correctly, to communicating that I understand both side so no one feels like I am favoring a party, to the end where I need to make sure I communicate correctly what the final outcome is either to them or to a judge. 
I have learned through this class that I was never really an effective communicator. I would just say what I needed to stay hoping what I wanted to get across came across. I never assured that what I was saying had ACTUAL MEANING, literally and figuratively.
How many times through my life did I just speak without truly weighing the weight of my words? In college how many time did I present information to my professor and fellow students when I myself learned absolutely nothing about what I was trying to communicate? Did I take into consideration others learning styles or my diverse audience? 
These are all questions I have asked myself since starting New Century College...for the first time in my college career I have been actually encouraged to CRITICALLY THINK when communicating. 


Critical thinking is a habit of mind characterized by the comprehensive exploration of issues, ideas, artifacts, and events before accepting or formulating a judgment or conclusion. 

As a good critical thinker during my time at New Century College I have learned that I need to explore the issues and identify any problems to be solved. Critical thinking is key to expanding ones knowledge and being able to summarize and synthesis key issues. The ability to think critically is important whatever we choose to do. Especially for those who wants to have a career in education, like myself then critical thinking is obviously important. Being able to think well and solve problems systematically is an asset for any career, not just to those who will work in Education. 

Since taking NCC classes and understanding the meaning of experiential learning I have started to explore the realms of thinking with a purpose. Critical thinking is key to language, creativity and self reflection. Since entering NCC I have been able to really start to think clearly and systematically. I have seen how I have improve the way I express my ideas and am getting better at analyzing what is presented to me. With critical thinking I also see that my comprehension abilities have improved. 

Critical thinking also really improved how one thinks creatively. I have learned that coming up with a solution to a problem does not just involve good ideas but making sure that our good and new ideas are RELEVANT to the task presented to us at hand. Critical thinking is key to identifying and evaluating relevant, valid information and evidence, and in some cases modifying them.
Integrative Studies EDGE Experience

One example where critical thinking was key was during an activity called EDGE that was presented to me through New Century College. We had many group activities we did with EDGE but one where CRITICAL THINKING really stood out to me was where we had to build a story from beginning to end. While group collaboration was key we had to really design and implement good problem solving skills. Since we all had a card that went in some type of order we had to understand the context that was being presented to us and make assumptions to where we thought we would be places in the line and see if the information was valid. Using all these tools of good critical thinking and communication (another NCC Competency) we were able to build our story.

Critical thinking also goes hand in hand with living a self authored life. In order to live a meaningful life and to structure our lives accordingly, we need to justify and reflect on our values and decisions. Critical thinking provides the tools for this process of self-evaluation. Through self reflection and analyzing our experience we are able establish our own conception of what truth means.


Group collaboration is the process of working toward a shared agenda and/or common purpose while capitalizing on the diversity within the group.  

Group collaboration allows you to create shared experience with a common purpose. At least this is how it should be.  What I have learned in NCC is that it is essential in group collaboration for everyone involved to understand their roles and tasks. This allows for everyone involved to make decisions and track the groups progress collaboratively. With in New Century College I have had exposure to working in groups a lot.  Now I truly understand why every team member in a group is essential. With group we are able to integrate individual talents and strength towards accomplishing our goals and tasks. 

From group collaboration before I never was able to truly value every team member. Honestly, I can say that before understanding COLLABORATIVE LEARNING I saw people in my group as one less thing to do. Now through New Century College and projects I have had to do I value the diversity of my "team mates" in the group. 

A recent project where GROUP COLLABORATION was essential to being successful was a "research" project for my Integrative Studies class. Before we started the project I thought it was going to be like any other research project where everyone was assigned a role and we just combined our information, finito! We had one lesson in my Integrative Studies class where we learned what P.A.R. was, Participatory, Action, Research. After I was able to go back and really reflect what P.A.R. meant I saw the duty we had as a group to WORK TOGETHER to not research but mindfully engage and share the knowledge we acquired. It was key that as a group we understood our purpose (and build re pour ) so we could reflect and analyze what we learned AS A GROUP. 

If as a group we did not collaborative as the same wave length we would not have been able to engage at the level we did  and produce qualitative research. For our group collaboration to be successful everyone in our team had to engage, compromise, go into the field, be hand on, collaborate, be flexible to new experiences, and participate. We really value the "diversity" of our group even though we were all hispanic, 20 something year old woman. We all came from different families, lived different lives, have been through different experiences, have knowledge of different things, and have our own minds. While to some this could be a hinderance we embraced that everyone thought differently and make it a good quality. This allowed us to think of different way of doing research, how to present our facts, and help each other out in our weaknesses.


    Global Understanding is the respect for and appreciation of the interconnections among biocultural systems. 

    For someone to say the are Global Understanding they must be able to appreciate and apply diverse perspectives, ways of knowing and others values. This also includes being able to analyze interconnectedness of local and global communities politically, economically, socially, and culturally. I have learned that people must feel we understand and respect various life forms and the environment. This can be done be recognizing and addressing the global implication of human, environmental and economical exploitation. 

    One experience in my life that really make me appreciate I have "GLOBAL UNDERSTANDING" is when I went to Panama.
    My second grade DIVERSE class. Left is my Spanish Teacher
    from Columbia and
    Right is my English Teacher from Ohio .

    Growing up in Northern Virginia, I was exposed to diversity from a small child. I always remember having friends who were black, white, asian, latino with different customs. In elementary school, (as I went to a Two Language Immersion school we had diversity day twice a year were at night we had family member bring foods native to their home and presentations that reflected their culture. I always enjoyed it and thought it was normal. I remember when I went to Panama when I was 10 for a family vacation. This is the first time I felt "discriminated". I have always had fair skin but have always identified myself as hispanic. I am very proud of being hispanic as I am proud of being an American. I love that I grew in Arlington were in most cases diversity was accepted and my friends thought it was "cool" that I could speak Spanish and English. 

    While in Panama, we were visiting a near by city and stopped to explore. We were sitting down in a restaurant and there was an area for children to play. I went over there with my sister (who is tanner than me) and started playing with the other kids. I am guessing now that one of the kids I was playing with was a native but I thought nothing of it. All of a sudden an adult (probably his mom) goes to him and says to him " Do not play with the "gringa" her parents probably do not want you too" but was okay with him playing with my sister. Gringa is a word use in Spanish to describe a "white" girl. I did not understand then but later on my parents explained to me that they heard her telling an employee of the restaurant that she did not want her son playing with someone who will look down on him one day. My mom assured me that she knew I had a big heart and did not think that way. My 10 year old self took it very hard because I just wanted to play with my "new" friend. Now I can reflect that this lady probably only had negative experiences with "white" Panamanians. 

    Now, this really makes me appreciate that I was raised around diversity and respect that everyone comes form different cultures and has different viewpoints, regardless of how they look or where they are from. Whenever I am able to sympathize for people and communities when I see injustice due to factors that are out of their control. We are all one big melting pot and as New Century College motto goes we are all somehow connected and that is through education. It is our duty to educate those around us of the interconnectedness of local and global communities politically, economically, socially and culturally.

    Civic engagement is practice based on an informed understanding of communities and the roles and responsibilities of individuals within those communities.

    I have seen that New Century College is really about living their students we are challanged in our classes to spread our knowledge. If we cannot form meanings to what we are learning and educate the world, what is the point of going to school? NCC offers classes that allows us as students to spread awareness and advocate social issues. I did this in my Integrative Studies class when my group presented the issue of Gender Inequality but I will talk about another issue. 

    Through CIVIL ENGAGEMENT we should be able to develop the ability to examine contemporary issues and their historical context. This goes with recognizing and valuing multiple perspectives in civil life. This allows us to understand how actions are shaped by multiple forces, including values, and economic and social inequality. We can then make informed choices regarding personal community involvement, social justice issues and leadership roles. Together we work collaboratively with diverse partners to solve problems for a common good. One way that NCC has recently brought awareness to my life is by presenting how I can be civilly engaged in my community. 

    VIDEO: A21 Campaign

    About a year ago I met my now friend at church. Little did I know her back story. My church is actively involved with a campaign called A21, human trafficking. I always donate to the campaigned when it was asked and was aware of the issue but I was never "worked collaboratively with diverse partners to solve problems for a common good" as one of the competencies states. Around beginning of August my friend trusted me to tell me she was a survivor of Human Trafficking. To make this story short, I now felt an obligation to work life time proactively with my church to help spread awareness on human trafficking. We do this through campaigns, talking to those in high power, helping survivors rebuild emotionally and economically, fundraisers, to name a few.

    In the last six months, I have learned so much about this horrible issue and how I can be proactive. I questioned how can a 22 year old college student from Virginia make a difference? This is where NCC came in and helped me understand that I can make a difference. The simple fact that I understand that there is a social issue is the first step. I was able to see the SOCIAL INEQUALITIES that were presented to millions of woman and men every day around the world. Most importantly, I was able to put my self in HER SHOES. I have learned what results in human trafficking like factors of poverty to name one. The most important thing I learned from working with A21 campaign is that anyone can be victim. It is very easy to desensitize oneself when the issue is nameless or just a number but through CIVIL ENGAGEMENT it is my role to bring awareness to my community.

    When you start to identify with someone who has gone through something as horrible as human trafficking, it becomes your problem too. It now becomes your fight and your matter how much or little progress I make. I heard a video where someone said "is it even worth my time?"...when you know someone who has been through something like this the simple questions becomes offensive. That made me realize that I do not care how many times I fail or if I do not make progress. One thing you do is never stop fighting for your own...and this issue is now my "own".

    As information and communication technologies permeate more and more aspects of personal, professional and civic life, students need to be able to apply and critique existing and emerging technologies.  

    Something NCC has open the door for me is to expand my use of digital literacy through my classes. I have had to learn a lot of programs that I never knew existed but now I will use to better my education. Through digital literacy I have been able to use other platform as a research tool. 

    Digital Literacy allows us to research, evaluate and apply the digital information and communication tools and platforms appropriate to each activity I undertake. I can demonstrate my readiness to learn new information communication technology confidently an independently in the creation of original digital work. Like this project, the ability to integrate existing personal and information and communication technology with emerging tools and platforms. Also, understand and ethically resolve the privacy, security, accessibility and identity management issued associated with the integration of digital literacy into everyday life.

    As a NCC students I already do this on a daily basis. If I am not reading or researching material for school, I am reading a blog about personal health or watching a DIY video. I really used digital literacy when I had to do a project for a class about battles with heath disorder. I thought I was going to have to do article research but my professor wanted us to have a personal perspective for this project. We were only able to use personal blogs or video diaries to gather information for the question impose on us. This really added another light to my education because I had to become knowledegable on how to look for creditable blogs and videos with detail information. It felt very private reading people blogs and watching their video vlogs but this let me understand where those suffering from eating disorders came from.
    ( one of the blogs I used : )
    Beyond statistics and facts I was able to apply this way of digital literacy into my everyday life and identify with these people even though I have never suffered from a eating disorder. It allowed me to really see my own life and how I have control of what I feed my brain and how I handle my insecurities. I made me connect on a person level with these survivors and appreciate my healthy metal state.

    Aesthetic awareness encourages individual to develop intellectual and emotional responses to nature or human creativity. 

    Through New Century College I have learned that being Aesthetically Aware means being able to understand the historical, social, political, environmental or gendered context of specific created works. Appreciating the complex processes of creative expression in multiple forms and media and recognizing and exploring the transformative potential of creativity in effecting societal change. It is about valuing creative expressions and the natural world to enrich everyday life. 

    One way I think I understand aesthetic awareness is through Art. I took an art class my second year into college which I though was going to be boring as many of my other art history classes were. I knew the class was going to be an easy A except for having to go into D.C. to visit some art museums. Little did I know that my experience there would make me realize how little aesthetic awareness I had. I had to visit an exhibition by Roy Lichtenstein and write a paper about my observations. I can truly say that I was lost until an older gentleman approached me and started telling me about the history of these paintings and the meaning behind them. I soon found  myself engrossed in all this man wanted to tell me and listen all day long. After our talk, I found myself wanting to know more and more about this exhibition. There were actually stories and meanings behind these pictures. They were people, places and things not just paint on a canvas.
    Roy Lichtenstein 

    This lead for me to become very fascinated with Art History. The whole class I found myself actually reading the whole textbook and going to museum on my own time to see these portraits and pictures first hand now that I knew the history, depth and the meaning of the author, or painter was trying to tell its audience. Once I learned that they truly understand what aesthetic awareness is they have to put it into "action" and use it to really understand what they are looking at. Being aesthetically aware of my surrounding has made me feel not just see and enjoying it. It has changed my perception of everything because is makes you appreciate the world around you. 

    Well-being is the life-long experience of life satisfaction, happiness, and purpose. 
    ( )

    "Diseases of the soul are more dangerous and more numerous
    than those of the body"

    Well-being goes hand in hand with living a self authored life. It is a great way to end this post. All the competencies above, if understood and implemented correctly should help one life a self authored life (along with some other aspects). 
    Understanding well-being means that I am able to develop insights and habits of regularly assessing the quality of my own life. It means having self-efficacy and control over my own life. Being able to self-manage my stress and anxiety and finding equanimity, peacefulness, and resiliency in the face of adversity. Developing imaginative and inclusive ways I can solve problems and creating/sustaining positive relationship and social support. Lastly, being able to demonstrate prosocial behaviors and emotions like compassion and joy.

    Years ago I use to deal with really bad anxiety. It was so bad that for a while I let it run my life. This was me not living a self authored life as I was not being the designer of my own life but letting my anxiety control it. After being fed up with letting anxiety control my life I turned to two things: Meditation and Religion. Both of these combined together allowed me to get out of my anxiety and now live a self authored life that is good for my well being. I regularly meditate to help guide me back to my center or if I have anxious thoughts or feeling it helps stop them. Religion had allowed me to find a greater purpose in life and that is love.

    With my anxiety I would get frustrated very easily and everything would annoy me. Now because the person or incident was annoying but because it would cause me to have thoughts that would give my anxiety. Through Religion I have been personally able to learn the power of manifesting love to others, showing compassion and gratitude for getting rid of most of my anxiety and those around me. 

    This has allowed me to live a life were I am in control and I write my own scripts. It has made it easier for me to realize my own goals and dreams (another blog post) ! I now have control to evaluate my own life, start to develop a healthy behavior, want to take control over my physical and emotional health, and work is all about DEFINE, BETTER, AND TRANSFORM as one of my meditations goes.

    * Pictures Linked are not might but from the credited owner. All other information was provided my New Century College website or my own knowledge 

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